Sunday, February 15, 2009

B&C III - 23

Brian and Christine
Book Three
Saint Jane's
Part 23

And so the weekend came. Neither of them wanted to do any work. They spent the time getting to know more about each other, planning for the future, enjoying themselves as much as they could, considering the problems still confronting them. Saturday they went for a drive out of town to help clear their heads and see new things. That did help Brian a lot. In his senior years he liked peaceful adventures.

At one point Wendy asked him “After we’re married will I be known as Mrs. Three Toes?”

Brian laughed. “If you wish. But if we go back to visit, Chief Running Bear may give you a new name also.”

“Oh I would like to see them again. That was a fascinating place. It would be Christy’s third visit there, or her fourth?”

“Third, I think.” Brian thought about the portrait she drew of Running Bear and how much he seemed to like it. He hoped that Christy was getting a lot of drawing done where she was,

That evening he let Wendy read the two pages he had written of his new story. She read through them carefully and said “It’s a beautiful metaphor, it seems a pathway to understanding realities.”

Sunday was the Romero’s day off. They spent much of it in church So Brian and Wendy played in the kitchen making breakfast and lunch and dinner, in between splashing in the pool and making love.

Monday morning Wendy was up and off to work early. Brian went back to work on his story of Crystal, the angel of the ice, the mirror in which he would see realities behind the unrealities.

In the afternoon mail there was a summons from the Family Court of Los Angeles to appear for a hearing on Thursday morning at 9 a.m. So it’s going to happen, he was pleased to see. He wondered if Christy would be there. I suppose so, he thought. I hope so.

Later on Wendy called to say that she had also been summoned, and that so had Christy, Mother Magda and associates. She also said that the judge, Agnes Weinstein, was a good, compassionate woman, unlike some of the Family Court judges who were otherwise so dissatisfied with where they were that they tended to be harsh on people. Wendy expected a clean, well run hearing and predicted a positive outcome.

Brian couldn’t decide if she was telling the truth or just trying to assuage his anxiety. He decided to believe her.

So, he thought. I’m going to get to meet the dragon lady, Mother Magda. Won’t that be interesting?

But the thought of seeing Christy again really pleased and excited him. At last he could see her and find out how things are going there for her. If Wendy is right then he hoped he would get, at least, to visit with Christy for a while, maybe before the hearing began. It would heal a great hole in his heart just to see that she was okay, no matter what the outcome of the hearing.

Now he was more anxious then ever for Thursday to come. It was all the focus of his life now.

But the hearing was not going to go as smoothly and cleanly neither as Wendy suggested nor as they both expected it would.

(To be continued.)


Dannelle said...

Drat, no smooth transitions for anyone- No show? I think Mother M is a devil lol Dannelle

Ken Riches said...

Sounds like a great judge, hope they get the chance to present the entire case.

Big Mark 243 said...

I think that is how it is, when two people are deciding nearly simeoutaneously to be in love with one another. It tends to blur things, until the next moment comes that they can spend in each other's company.

Uh, I know that this is fiction now ... a smooth and efficent family court system? The ideas are oxymoronic!